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Joint Subcommittees

Stationary photo
Subway Station

Joint Subcommittee on Multimodal Pricing Implementation

This is a joint subcommittee with the Managed Lanes Committee (ACP35). It has a mission to serve as a forum for review, discussion and creation and dissemination of a research agenda for planning, development, implementation and evaluation of TDM and congestion pricing projects, with emphasis on those projects with multimodal components or potential.

Joint Subcommittee on the Economics of Demand Management and Pricing

This joint subcommittee is cosponsored with the Transportation Economics, Revenue, and Finance Committee (AJE50) and focuses its agenda and activities on research and policy analysis related to TDM and pricing from a foundation of economics.

Office Work

Joint Subcommittee on Parking Management and Pricing

This joint subcommittee is cosponsored with the Transportation Economics, Revenue, and Finance Committee (AJE50). Its mission is to promote, facilitate and disseminate research on all aspects of parking management, but especially parking behavior and demand management.

Parking Lot
Road Traffic

Joint Subcommittee on Mileage-based User Fees

This is a joint subcommittee with the Transportation Economics, Revenue, and Finance Committee (AJE50). Its mission is to promote, facilitate and disseminate research on all aspects of mileage-based user fees, with a particular focus on the relationship of these fees to congestion pricing and travel demand.

Bike Ride

Joint Subcommittee on Behavior Science/Behavior Change

This joint subcommittee is cosponsored with the Transportation Economics, Revenue, and Finance Committee (AJE50), the Travel Behavior and Values Committee (AEP30), the Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy Committee (AP030), and the Effects of Information and Communication Technologies on Travel Choices Committee (AEP 35). Behavioral science is the study of how decision-making biases affect individual decisions, and how we can overcome and/or work with these biases to stimulate sustainable choices or choices beneficial to individual health and happiness (e.g. decreasing driving alone). The subcommittee will look to blend traditional research areas with fields such as behavioral economics and psychology to improve the ability to predict, model, and influence travel behavior. Focus will be given to testing “nudge” type interventions (i.e., those that are not onerous) to encourage use of sustainable modes and decrease VMT.

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